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Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.”
– Dave Barry



What is proofreading?


​Proofreading corrects indisputable errors only. Proofreading catches silly mistakes that grammar and spell check can't find, but a trained eye can. Proofreading is the last step before going to print and happens after a thorough copyedit. Proofreading ensures mechanical accuracy and consistency.​ HJ's Editing Services may reject a request to proofread if a copyedit or substantive edit proves a better tool for the job based on the document's content, accuracy, and clarity.

​Proofreading service corrects:​

  • Incorrect or missing punctuation

  • Misspelled words

  • Incorrect or missing capitalization

  • Typographical mistakes

  • Mechanical mistakes

  • Rogue spacing



What is proofreading NOT?​

  • Proofreading will not cover fact checking of common knowledge information.

  • Proofreading will not provide developmental suggestions.

  • Proofreading will not alter word choices, other than misspellings or word usage.

  • Proofreading will not address the logic of arguments, the narrative flow, characterization,   sentence structure, clarity, or tone of a document.

  • Proofreading will not address the "gray area" of grammar, style, word usage, and syntax.


How does it work?
  1. You will email me a few pages of your document and include your specifications, any questions you may have, and your timeline.

  2. I will analyze the document and make sure it's ready for a proofread. A document may need copyediting or substantive editing before I accept it for proofreading. I will then accept or negotiate your terms. When we agree to the terms, I will send you the Client Agreement form and an invoice for a 50% deposit fee, which I require to secure our agreement.

  3. I use Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature to proofread your document. You may reject or accept any changes or suggestions I make. See below for a sample proofread. ​​


How might a proofread look?​




How much will proofreading cost?

Proofreading is the least expensive type of editing because it takes the least amount of time. The cost of proofreading is one cent ($.01) per word to one-and-a-half cents per word ($.015). For a 70,000 word document, the proofreading would cost $1050.00. Please email me to negotiate a price for proofreading documents other than manuscripts. For more information about payment information click here.​​

What types of documents will you proofread?

  • Websites

  • Fiction manuscripts

  • ​Social network pages

  • Business documents

  • ​Marketing material and advertisements

  • ​Essays and research papers

  • Nonfiction manuscripts

  • Magazine articles


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